Modular pontoon floating access
Modular pontoon floating access is a simple, but invaluable solution for any number of issues when working on or around water. We have continuously developed and refined our service since our beginnings in the film industry over 20 years ago. Those early installations gave us a great foundation to learn how versatile modular pontoon is and we’ve used that knowledge to bring a safer service to the construction and civil engineering sectors.
Leading the way
When we deliver a modular floating platform we guarantee you’ll find no safer temporary access over water. From materials transport barges to working platforms and pedestrian diversion routes we have so many examples of successful solutions we’ve designed and installed for our clients.
If your site is inaccessible we can find an alternative launch site and transport everything into place with either outboard motors fitted directly to the pontoon or with one of our workboats.
Modular Pontoon Uses
If you have a demolition job next to a river or canal, a modular pontoon provides both a safe working platform and debris fall arrest to ensure the water course remains uncontaminated. Silt curtains or oil booms can be added for extra protection. If the water course is widely used we can add a safety crumple zone which is built onto each end of the platform and adds a greater level of safety.
A ‘walk to work’ pontoon installation will link work sites on projects such as bridge construction, a simple walkway across the water course can save time for personnel and be used to move materials, plant and much more from one area of the site to another.
Examples of public access pontoons range from towpath diversions for public use on canals and rivers to pedestrian walkways at events.
Pontoon is a useful platform for access for working at height, our specially adapted pins enable scaffold to be fixed directly into the deck for extra stability.
Safety First
All of our installations are fitted with full edge protection tailored to suit the needs of the client. As standard we use Combisafe edge panels but where necessary we have alternative types of handrailing, gates and barriers to provide protection.
We also offer low profile pontoon with a free board of only 22cm as opposed to the standard 40cm, this is extremely useful on sites with restricted height and also enables you to work closer to the water.